Enough capital (Money) is one of the vital elements required for success of starting A Photography Business IN Nigeria . Money is not only required for the startup of the business but it is also essential for staying in business begins to make profits. Therefore, to play down the place of finance in business success is tantamount to planning for business failure.

The working capital is very fundamental to the existence of a fresh business until the business begins to yield profits.
This could the reason the most important consideration in any venture’s feasibility study is the financial aspects of the proposed venture. Without this, the success of the business is in doubt. Most times, would be photography business owners fail to take this into account and therefore the businesses cannot survive till they see their first turn around. It is a mere waste of time and resources to start a business that cannot survive till business begins to make profits. After all, nobody enters business for fun.’ It is imperative to ensure that adequate finance is in place before the take -off  of the business. The presence of finance is a vital ingredient to business growth. This is more so as every activity geared toward growth and expansion of  businesses required financial involvement . while a properly documented business plan has the potential to stimulate the growth of small businesses, however inability to access the requisite funds can hamper the realization of such plan should be able to attract investors to generate finance for the business.

Sequel to this, Entrepreneurial and business management skills is an important parameter in photography business growth. However , most of the businesses have very low management skills. Entrepreneurial and business management skills can be acquired but not without a financial cost. Therefore for businesses to grow and expand, more money must also be invested in training programs that can catalyze their growth. It is also through such training that photography business owners can learn how to conceptualize and draw up viable business plans which can attract investors.
At the start up, business owners have no alternative than to manage very lean resources. Most times they cannot but play multiple roles to reduce cost. A   business owner can serve as chief executive officer, marketing and sales director, sales assistant, chief operating officer, finance manager, human resource officer, IT manager, graphics designer etc. while this can serve the cost of operating the business, it can also affect the productivity of the business. There is an old saying “two good heads are better than one”. This also applies to the business environment. A ‘one man’ business would always assume the size and capabilities of one person. This does not anchor well for the growth and expansion of the business  unless the vision of the business is to remain  . To employ more people that can help speed up the growth of the business, more finance is also required.

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