If you ever thought of entering school and graduating with
good grades and obtain a certificate, then I can authoritatively tell you that
this book is for you. Education is not only learning to read and write but also
learning to do.

Life is in stages. A wise man said if you want to climb a
staircase, you don't need to see the top, just take a step by step and you will
get to the top.
This book you carry in your hand is not a mistake but a
timely tool to inspire you into the world of academic success.
I will make you see education in any form as an opportunity
to develop yourself. Education is not only in the University, but the everyday
experience you find to invest in your mind.
What is in your mind is the level of knowledge you expose
yourself to. Study hard and get good degree and you will find a high paying job
with great benefit; good! But does school really prepare children for real
Education should be the process of facilitating learning,
the acquisition of knowledge, skills, value, beliefs and habit.
Acquiring a certificate degree is not a guarantee that
someone is educated, it could veil the ignorance but not for too long a time.
An educated person is a transformed person. School creates an environment for
education, while education transforms a man.
I present to you the 5 transforming points to look after in
the pursuit of knowledge if you want to be a better student after school.
Many who were school dropout end-up becoming rich men today,
they did not just end there. They develop the little knowledge they got when
they were in school. E.g. Bill Gate, Mark Zuckerberg Thompson Nsisongabasi etc.
Get the knowledge, get the skill, and get certified.
Education is not just learning to write and read but learning to do.
Education is an awareness gotten through experience or by
reading of fact. The level of the information or fact you acquired determines
how far you will go in life. Little knowledge, little life; big knowledge, big life.
There is no danger in getting more knowledge instead you
will be highly in awareness of the environment you step into.
I study a lot and I read many things in different field. An
investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
If you don't want to lose your money don't put it in your
bag, but put it in your head, that is where you will find it later. Information
you have inside of you can give you more money than you use in getting the
All the information that you have is all you need to succeed
in life. The more the knowledge the more the success in life.
if you need this book on an electronic format email your name to iamthompson100@gmail.com
Listening is the most
vital tool to acquire knowledge.
Listening is the art
of paying attention to a person that carries the information. Active listening is an essential qualify all
learners should have. It makes the world of difference when it comes to
knowledge absorption and retention.
A student that does
not listen effectively will easily miss understood a message.
Listening is so
important that many top employers provide listening skill training for their
When you listen well
to your teacher you will know what to put down on your book.
Writing is a powerful
tool in keeping information. Writing enhances proficiency in reading.
Information put down in black and white is hardly forgotten than just
The shortest pencil
is better than the longest brain.
Listening and taking
note is a successful step to acquire knowledge it helps the student to become a
better student.
Writing down
information helps you reflex on it whenever you need to make use of it in
academic and in the world outside.
Reading is the third
language skills mainly involve word recognition, comprehension, fluency and
motivation to make meaning from.
This process is
complex and it is important to develop yourself, you have to get background
knowledge in the area of your studies, if you are studying Biology, get books
on biology add to the notes you have taking in class.
Reading makes you
discover things that you did not know; Research. Research is engaging in fact
finding study, if you cannot find it, research from other materials because is
A wise man once said
if you want to hide a thing from an African man, put it in a book because they
don't like reading.
Friends, we now read
in Africa, we now discover and understand by books. When you embank in reading
adventure or out there in fact finding mission, what you are doing is rubbing
your ordinary mind with greater minds, by so doing your dull mind is sharpened,
just like when an iron sharpen another iron.
The last stage in
getting knowledge is thinking and asking question. So many students read and
fail to think what they are reading which cause them to fail in that area.
Reasoning is giving
mental focus to issues of interest, with the aims of enlightenment and illumination.
In the process of
thinking your mind answers some question that would have come up. Student
listen to teacher, every time they come to class, the get excited for the new
thing they heard, visit them next day and it is all gone why? The substance,
the raison d'ĂȘtre of the subject did not get into them.
Thinking is pondering
on the subject; in this case some questions could answer itself.
When you ask question
you receive information back. Questioning is crucial, it engages student with
contents, encouragement and understanding.
Every question
demands a response (except in the case of requests and suggestions) so that
questions meritably generate information.
Finally question has
to be constructive and simple for you to also have more understanding of a
The day you stop
learning is the day you start dying, a wise man said “the road to success is
always under construction”
Keep learning and
acquire knowledge to grow faster and better.
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